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Choose from these different types of loan for information, advice and links to UK loan providers. We have a selection of personal loans, secured loans, car loans, bad credit loans, business or commercial, home owner loans, debt consolidation loans and unemployed loans.

With so many loans in the UK it can be difficult to distinguish between what can seem a fantastic offer and every other loan deal offered in the UK. Here at the UK Personal Loans Store we have compared and reviewed every personal loan that is listed on this site. This way you will know all the relevant details about the personal loan deal before you need to make any loan applications.

Types of UK Loans

So, what type of loans are available to UK applicants here at There are personal loans - both secured and unsecured, debt consolidation loans, mortgages and even loans for businesses available. Understanding these loan types will make you decision as to which type of loan that you should apply for much easier.

For example, if you are a tenant the only types of loan that you could apply for are personal unsecured loans or a debt consolidation loan as you have no collateral to use as a deposit, such as your home or car. Howmeners are free to apply for almost any type of loan, both secured and unsecured, depending on their needs.

For more information on the various loans that you can apply for is located here.

There are some other factors that should be brought to your attention about some of the loan offers. This would include some of the loan penalties that companies (lenders) make such as late payment charge, an early redemption penalty and also a possible arrangement fee. You will find all of these loan charges explained in this site and each individual loan offer has all charges listed clearly for your comparison.

We also have a section dedicated to providing UK loan tips that should help you choose your next UK personal loan, what information to look out for, should I pay a higher apr so that there is no early redemption penalty, will I need payment protection insurance? These questions and more will be answered in the loan tips section.

arrow Maintain your lifestyle with Income Protection
Ever heard of income protection? Surely, you must have! These are the schemes floated by myriad companies and are a brilliant way to insure your income. All our life, we toil hard and what if we are confined to our homes because of illness or disability? Do we have to spend the rest of our lives asking for money for even the most mundane of our needs?

arrowPayday lenders still causing concern
A recent report published by The Business, Innovation and Skills Committee (BIS) has highlighted how many Brits are very concerned about their levels of debt, particularly in the current financial climate, where money is already tight and families are struggling to make ends meet financially.

arrowBanks waiting for loan application rush to cover Christmas debt
Over the recent Christmas and New Year period, many people will have run up huge debts on their credit cards, store cards, catalogues and overdrafts, with a huge number having splashed out on gifts, clothes, partying and entertainment and not stopping to count the financial cost until it was too late.

arrowDebt consolidation could be helping many people
Many households and individuals in the UK are experiencing issues with high levels of debt these days, with many literally teetering on the financial edge because of issues such as high debt levels, frozen pay, soaring living costs and the financial climate in general.


Early Redemption Penalty – Am I Being Ripped Off? If you have taken out any loans and now decide to pay them back before the loan completion date you may be forced to pay and early redemption penalty, normally around 2 months interest. However, are these just another money making exercise to fleece you of you cash? Read on to find out more.

Effective Loan Shopping
Shopping for loans is very much similar to shopping for other, everyday items such as groceries and clothes. You would be much more likely to buy a certain item from shop A if it was substantially cheaper than shop B, this is the normal way of the world. Shopping for loans is no different, you must shop around for the best deal available.

What is Different About Bad Credit Loans?
Do you have an adverse credit history? You may have heard the loan type, bad credit loans, before but what makes these loans dfferent from other secured loans, debt consolidation loans and others? Will you only be accepted if you are a homeowner? Do you need to have some security?

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